Action Sequence setup

Action Sequence setup

Action Sequences are a set of actions that are dependent on or related to one another. These will all be triggered by a single action, with subsequent tasks being added concurrently or at the completion of a dependent action. Action Sequences save you time by adding several actions at once instead of adding each one individually.

This tool will enable you to create individual actions for different steps of a procedure in your office such as account setup, transfers, client reporting, even review preparation.  While the circumstances may vary slightly from client to client, the system can provide a basic skeleton to save time for groups of actions that are done repeatedly. Actions in a sequence can be dependent upon each other - meaning one action will not be added until the preceding is completed.

For all intensive purposes, actions added through the Action Sequence tool will look and act like all other actions, with the exception of spurring a dependent action if one is necessary. When an action sequence is added to a single contact, the Action Tab > Action Sequences subtab enables you to easily track which sequences have been assigned to the client and what stage of completion they have achieved. Action Sequences can be added singly or globally by a rule. See Rules for more information about using this tool to filter your database. See Global Action Sequence Wizard for more information about adding to multiple clients.

Junxure provides the Existing Action Sequences Report to review all existing Action Sequences currently pending in Junxure.

In this topic, we will cover how to:

Watch the Video: Action Sequence Overview

Access the Action Sequence Setup Window

To access Action Sequences that have already been created or to create a new Action Sequence, in Junxure go to System Setup > Action Sequence Setup.

The center column lists categories for your action sequences. Selecting a row in this column will display the corresponding action sequences in the right panel of the screen.

Selecting a row in this right panel populates the Action Steps below, with a more visual detail of these steps available in the bottom right panel.

Double click the name of any action sequence in the Actions Sequences for <Category> section to open the Build New Action Sequence window.

From this screen you can edit the sequence you are viewing, add additional actions to this sequence, duplicate or delete the selected sequence, add a new sequence, or print the information.

Create an Action Sequence

Watch the Video: Create an Action Sequence

In Junxure, go to System Setup > Action Sequence Setup. Your existing Action Sequences appear in the middle column by category. The grid to the right lists corresponding action sequences to your selected category. The bottom right windows list action steps for your selected action sequence.

Click Add New Sequence from the menu.

The Build New Action Sequence window appears. Complete the following fields in the top portion of the screen.

  • Category. Categories organize the sequences for quick retrieval using descriptions such as administrative, prospect, financial planning, and etc. Category names are created through List Data Maintenance.
  • Description. Name the Action Sequence with a brief description.
  • Process Name. Optional - choose a process to further categorize your action sequence, or leave blank for Junxure to automatically add the name of the action sequence as the Process.
  • Trigger. This is a description of when you will use this sequence.
  • Action ID. Appears automatically and is not editable.
  • Status. Choose from Active, Being Edited, and Decommissioned. (Only Active Action Sequences will be viewable in the list when you select to add an action sequence to a contact record.)
  • Owner. Choose an owner of the action sequence.
  • Last Review. Enter the date this action sequence was last reviewed.

In the bottom portion of the screen, click Add New Action Item. The Edit Sequence Item window will open.

Enter the action details, such as type, note, action required, days till action due, action assigned to, priority, action description, and action keywords, and then click Close to save the action.

Note: The Days Till Action Due is based on the number of days from the date the action is added. See Action Detail for more information about each field in the action detail.

By assigning any action to the <CSR> <Advisor1> or <Advisor2>, <employee position> or Queue, Junxure will look to the Profile Tab to find the Advisor, CSR, or employee position that is attached to this contact.  This is particularly effective if your office has multiple principals and/or has individual clients assigned to separate service reps.

The action appears in the list, as shown below. Click the Add New Action Item button to add the next action, and repeat until you have all the steps in the sequence you need.

When all of the individual actions have been added to the list, they will also appear in the Sequence Window to the right. This enables you to instruct Junxure to create new tasks triggered on the completion of existing tasks.

Changing Sequential Order

To place the individual actions into a sequential order, click on an item to be moved, then holding the mouse button down, drag the item to the appropriate place on the list. Junxure will use a broad I shaped bar to indicate where the item will be placed as shown below.

Creating Dependent Steps

When the tasks are in a logical order, you can indicate which steps are dependent on the completion of other steps. In the example below, you cannot follow up on the status of transfer forms until those forms have been completed and submitted.

To create this dependency, place your cursor on the "follow up" item, holding down the mouse button and dragging upwards until the mouse is directly over the "complete transfer forms" text and both line items are highlighted. Release the mouse button.

The example below shows a sequence with dependencies. Any action that has dependents will show a "+" symbol next to the line (circled in red below). To open the line and see the dependent steps, click on the + and the dependent steps will be displayed. a "-" symbol indicates dependents are displayed.

In the case below, when the sequence is initiated, two actions will be added- "prepare/send new client welcome letter..." and "Build client computer files...". When the new client welcome letter is marked complete, Junxure will add two more actions- "check applications for complete data..." and "copy all client documents...". These actions will not be generated by Junxure until the first one is marked complete.

When the action items and sequential order has been completed, Junxure will save changes when you leave the tool.  These will be available to add to clients once you have changed the status from "being edited" to "active." See Adding an Action Sequence for more information.

See Existing Action Sequences Report to review all existing Action Sequences currently pending in Junxure.

Duplicating Action Sequences

Sometimes there are sets of actions that are very similar but may need minor changes. For example, a Platinum client account setup may require some more advanced asset allocation, or cost basis setup than a small IRA account.  Or, you may setup accounts through a brokerage platform for some clients, but direct with a mutual fund for others.  Junxure provides a quick and easy means to create similar sequences without doing all of the data entry twice.

At the top of the Action Sequences Add/Edit window, click the Duplicate this Sequence button, circled in red below. Junxure will request a new name, but duplicate all of the existing actions in the selected sequence. Add or edit the existing actions as necessary.

Edit an Action Sequence

To edit an existing action sequence, in Junxure go to System Setup > Action Sequence Setup.

Select a category from the center column to locate the action sequences that you wish to edit.

Double click on the action sequence in the Actions Sequences for <Category> section to open the Build New Action Sequence window.

Here you may modify your action sequence by adding new action steps, editing the existing action steps, re-arranging action steps, using the drag and drop functionality in the visual display on the right pane, deleting action steps, and changing the category, description and other information.

Click Close to save your changes.

Add an Action Sequence to One Contact

Action Sequences are a series of actions that are dependent on or related to one another. Action Sequences save time by allowing you to add several actions at once instead of adding each one individually.

Open the contact's record and click on the Actions tab.

Click the Add Action Sequence button in the upper right hand corner of the tab.

The Add Action Sequence window is displayed. Choose which action sequence to use in the drop down menu highlighted in yellow below.

The start date is automatically populated with the current system date. This date determines when the first steps of the action sequence will be added to Junxure and will effect the due date of these actions when added to the contact's details. If Keywords need to be added to a contact's profile tab with this sequence, click the Add Keyword box, and Junxure will display a drop down menu with all available action keywords.

Use the Edit Action Sequence button if changes need to be made to the Action Sequence template.  This will not alter existing sequences, but will change all sequences added going forward.

<![CDATA[ ]]>Note: Click Add New Action Sequence to create a new action sequence that does not currently exist in your database. See Creating an Action Sequence for more information.

A confirmation window appears, alerting you that all the actions in the sequence identified with a green checkmark will be added to the contact record if you continue. Click Yes to add the actions. Click No to cancel.

Junxure will add the first action(s) to the contact's Actions Tab immediately. These can be edited and updated just like any other Action.

It is critical that action items are marked "completed" when each step is finished, as Junxure will not add dependent actions until the previous action has been completed. See Completing an Action for more information.

When an action in a sequence is marked completed, Junxure will produce the Add Action Sequence Steps window.  This will show the next steps that are dependent on the completed action. If Junxure should add these action steps, click the Add Action Steps button circled in green below. If no further actions should be added, click the Cancel button.

Junxure will automatically add these actions to the Actions tab after the Add button is clicked.

Finding Action Sequences for a Contact

The Action Sequence Tab will list all sequences currently assigned to the contact, as well as displaying the status of each step. By clicking on an item in the Added Action Sequences grid to the left, Junxure will display the assigned steps in the right hand grid. Double click on any item in this grid to see more details regarding that action.

In the lower right hand corner, the sequential setup of this sequence is displayed. Junxure will indicate which steps have been completed or have not been added. An action would be marked at "not added" if it is a dependent action and the previous action has not been marked complete.

See Existing Action Sequences Report to review all existing Action Sequences currently pending in Junxure.

Use an Action Process vs. an Action Sequence

Not sure when to use an Action Process or an Action Sequence? See below for more information.

Action Process

Action Processes are used to categorize similar actions. Process names are typically associated with the type of action similar to a general topic for the action such as Business Processing, Trading, Planning, Client Meeting, etc. Only one of these labels can be assigned to each action. These can be used to create easy reports for audits, billing, or business analysis purposes. 

For example, you have a phone call with George Andrews. During this conversation, you discussed rebalancing his portfolio, estate planning documents and opening a retirement account. The Process for this action could be Planning (highlighted in yellow), while the Keywords (highlighted in green) would cover some of the critical points of the conversation-Estate Planning, Rebalance, New Account.

Both Processes and Action Keyword can be created through List Data Maintenance.

Action Sequences

Action Sequences are a set of actions that are dependent on or related to one another. These will all be triggered by a single action, with subsequent tasks being added concurrently or at the completion of a dependent action. Action Sequences save you time by adding several actions at once instead of adding each one individually.

This tool will enable you to create individual actions for different steps of a procedure in your office such as account setup, transfers, client reporting, even review preparation.  While the circumstances may vary slightly from client to client, the system can provide a basic skeleton to save time for groups of actions that are done repeatedly. Actions in a sequence can be dependent upon each other - meaning one action will not be added until the preceding is completed.

For all intensive purposes, actions added through the Action Sequence tool will look and act like all other actions, with the exception of spurring a dependent action if one is necessary. When an action sequence is added to a single contact, the Action Tab > Action Sequences subtab enables you to easily track which sequences have been assigned to the client and what stage of completion they have achieved. Action Sequences can be added singly or globally by a rule. See Rules for more information about using this tool to filter your database. See Global Action Sequence Wizard for more information about adding to multiple clients.
