Britney Spears & Nine Inch Nails are friendly; Reznor might cover Britney song

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Anyone who came of age with their musical tastes in the 1990s probably remembers Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails. Trent Reznor is some kind of musical god (in my mind) – he writes and produces his own music, and Nine Inch Nails is composed of Reznor and a revolving door of great talent. I’m pretty bad at describing music, especially when Nine Inch Nails is such a genre-bending outfit. Let’s just call it really cool metal/trip-hop/alternative. I lost touch with my Trent Reznor addiction, but I still have really great memories of the albums Pretty Hate Machine and The Downward Spiral.

Trent sill writes, produces and performs, quite successfully, and I apologize if I don’t really know anything about him past the 1990s. Currently, he’s sharing rehearsal space with Britney Spears! Not only that, Trent and Britney are getting along “famously” – there’s even a rumor that Nine Inch Nails might pull a Lily Allen and cover one of Britney’s songs. OK! Magazine has more:

Well here’s an unlikely pairing: Britney Spears and Nine Inch Nails!

The pop singer and the hard-rock band have reportedly gotten chummy while sharing the same rehearsal space as each prepares for their separate tours.

On Brit’s official blog, NIN frontman Trent Reznor wrote, “I can hear the thumping low end of Britney Spears. It’s been a treat having them here the whole time we’ve been here.”

Apparantly Brit agrees. The singer’s manager, Adam Leber, says, “Brit has been sharing the same rehearsal space with NIN for the past few weeks and they are getting along famously. Maybe we should ask Trent Reznor to remix Circus?”

Sounds like a double dog dare to us!

Nine Inch Nails definitely isn’t above collaborating outside their music genre. Johnny Cash recorded an amazing cover of the band’s hit song “Hurt” in 2002.

From OK! Magazine

This story totally made me go “awww…” It’s very sweet. It’s a little off-topic, but did you know that Trent Reznor and Tori Amos used to date? In their first few albums, they make some lyrical allusions to one another. I’d bet that Reznor is a total gentleman, and Britney always seems like she could use the kindness of strangers.

Note by Celebitchy: There’s also a rumored collaboration between NIN and Jane’s Addiction, as Agent Bedhead has uncovered.

Britney photo credit: WENN. Reznor photo credit Somewhatdamaged on Flickr
