Drop Dead Diva RECAP 10/13/13: Season 5 Episode 10 The Kiss

Drop Dead Diva RECAP 10/13/13: Season 5 Episode 10 “The Kiss”

Tonight on Lifetime DROP DEAD DIVA continues with a new episode called, “The Kiss.” On tonight’s show Stacy and Owen question their new feelings towards one another.  Did you watch the last episode?  We did and we have a full and detailed recap, right here for you.

On the last episode when Jane defended a former troubled socialite, a series of unfortunate legal turns puts the very existence of Harrison & Parker in jeopardy. Meanwhile, Grayson defended a young man thrown off of a commercial flight because he claimed to be a vampire. Lester Tuttle (Wally Langham) continued to mettle in the affairs of the firm. Owen had some tough news to share with Stacy.

On tonight’s show Jane represents a woman in a personal injury lawsuit that occurred during a wife-swap exercise while in couples’ therapy. A man who incorporated himself hires Grayson and Owen when his shareholders prevent him from marrying the woman he loves. Paul sets Jane up on a blind date in hopes of sparking a new romance. Stacy and Owen question their new feelings towards one another.

Tonight’s episode is going to be another great one, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Drop Dead Diva Season 5 Episode 10 “The Kiss,” tonight at 9PM EST! Remember also to bookmark Celeb Dirty Laundry and check back here for our live Drop Dead Diva recaps, reviews, news, and spoilers!  While you wait for the recap, check out a sneak peek of tonight’s episode below!

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Stacy wants to deny last week’s kiss ever happened. Owen doesn’t. As matter of fact he’s excited to start something new with Stacy. The baby thing and the whole kiss feeling right means he’s dreaming of families while she’s thinking of Jane’s feelings.

Jane arrived late for the first day as a new partner. She thought she deserved a blow-out but it also means she didn’t have enough time to read up on her case. She should have. She meets a husband and wife and their therapist. The couple had did a wife swap, nothing sexual, in order to better appreciate each other. During this time the wife had an accident and injured herself. She doesn’t want to sue but her husband does. Jane suggests both couples meet to talk it out in a possible settlement.

The couple was leaving when their therapist stayed behind to talk to Jane. She was apparently the Real Jane’s therapist. She’s surprised though that the Jane she’s speaking to didn’t follow through with any of her previous plans.

Grayson and Owen have to represent a man named Frank. It seems he made his life and his life’s decisions into a company. His shareholders get to vote on everything he does as long as it isn’t illegal or harmful to himself. He loved his company. It has allowed him to do great things but now the time has come he needs to go against the board. He wants to propose but his shareholders don’t like his girlfriend. They feel she isn’t good enough.

So he wants to dissolve the company. One problem with that. The shareholders are prepared to sue if he dissolves the company to marry his girlfriend.

Jane goes to court with the two couples that swapped. Settlement didn’t go well. The other couple decided to counter sue for the damage done to their shower. However in open court it’s revealed the shower got cracked when the husband and his swap wife were having chocolate shower sex. A fight breaks out in open court.

Later the new couple comes to Jane for her help in getting both of their divorces. They each had a fidelity clause in their pre-nup.
Paul has been feeling down for Jane so he sets her up on a blind date with a mysterious Ken. He just was unfortunate to spill this news in front of Owen. Jane is feeling awkward but before she can explain he says no worries. It’s not as if he’s telling her about his dating life. He doesn’t tell her he’s going on a date on Stacy.

When Jane is on her date, she’s having fun. Her date is saying all the right things but she sees Stacy and Owen on their date. She confronts them with death stares even though she doesn’t say much. She tries to return to her table only to find her date has stolen her car.

Later at their apartment, Jane demands to hear everything from Stacy. They each say harsh words they don’t mean and the fight gets broken up by the appearance of Paul. He wanted to know how her date went.

Owen and Grayson’s case goes awry. They tried to buy the shares back from shareholders when they found out Frank’s girlfriend’s ex-husband was the one blocking the proposal. So now instead of buying they’re selling and flooding the market.

This allows Frank to make a lot of money and leaves a useless company all nice and ready for a certain ex-husband.

Owen and Stacy feel they don’t owe Jane anything. She was the one that cheated on Owen so she doesn’t deserve a say. Even the therapist Jane goes to see tells her the girl code is stupid.

She manages to win her case for her clients but the therapist says she never knows what’s best for her. Back at home Stacey is sorry over her comments but she wants to see where the relationship with Owen goes. Jane refuses to accept it and so Stacy moves out.

The End!
