Top 5 NBA players whose sons are touted to be future NBA players

Several NBA superstars have sons that will follow in their footsteps and find their way to the league. While that is unlikely in every case, some will undoubtedly continue their father's basketball legacy.

It is unclear what direction the sons of NBA players will take as they get older. Michael Jordan's two sons dominated high school basketball, but both brothers quit their teams at the college level and eventually forwent basketball altogether.

Even so, there have been other sons who have developed into phenomenal basketball players. Stephen Curry has continued his father's shooting prowess and has become more successful than his in the NBA, winning two regular-season MVP awards and three championships.

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Genetics and the environment will favor these second-generation basketballers in their attempt to reach the NBA. However, we might not get the opportunity to witness all play.

That said, let's take a look at the top five NBA players whose sons are touted to be future players in the league.

#5 Dikembe Mutombo (Ryan Mutombo)

Dikembe Mutombo #55 of the Houston Rockets

The finger-wagging Dikembe Mutombo dominated the NBA throughout his NBA career, mainly because of his defensive abilities. He currently ranks second in the all-time rankings for shots blocked.

To continue Dikembe's legacy, his son, Ryan, committed to play at Georgetown, the same school his father played for before joining the NBA. He is a 6'11" center who is not yet as good a defender as his father but is embracing versatility to stay relevant and cope in today's NBA.

The family has stated that if the opportunity arises, Ryan will declare for the NBA draft after his freshman year. That will mean that we might be seeing Ryan in the league a lot sooner rather than later.

#4 Dwyane Wade (Zaire Wade)

Dwyane Wade #3 of the Miami Heat

Dwyane Wade easily ranks among the top five shooting guards in NBA history. His style of play was very exciting to watch, as he had several ways of beating his defender. He was also an elite player on the defensive end of the court, forcing turnovers and converting in transition.

Wade won his first NBA championship in 2006, where he and Shaquille O'Neal came back from a 2-0 deficit against the Dallas Mavericks. He went ahead to build a superteam with LeBron James and Chris Bosh, who won back-to-back championships in 2012 & 2013.

Although he is retired, we might soon witness the second-coming of Wade as his son, Zaire, is on course to play in the NBA. He got offers from four colleges, meaning the 19-year-old shooting guard might soon declare for the draft.

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#3 Allen Iverson (Jordan Lowery)

NBA hall of famer Allen Iverson

Allen Iverson is the best combo guard in NBA history. He was a fearless scorer and executed ankle-breaking crossovers against any opponent, including the great Michael Jordan.

Iverson's most memorable run was the 2000-01 NBA season, where he averaged 31 points and won the MVP. He also led the Philadelphia 76ers to the 2001 NBA finals even though they were an average team. They ultimately lost to the Lakers in five games.

Of his five children, only his youngest son is following in his footsteps. The 11-year-old was already ranked as the best fourth-grade basketball player in the country. Although the youngster still has a few years to go before featuring in the NBA, he is an exciting prospect.

NBA Hall of Famer Shaquille O'Neal

No NBA player has played bully ball in the post as well as Shaquille O'Neal. He was outright unstoppable in the paint, which made teams resort to intentionally fouling him. His poor free-throw shooting (53%) made teams take advantage of this method as the only way to slow him down.

Shaq, despite his dominance, won his first NBA championship in 2002 after joining Kobe Bryant in Los Angeles. He was a crucial part of the LA Lakers' consecutive championships from 2000-2003. In 2006, he helped Wade bring a championship to the Miami Heat.

Shareef O'Neal has opted to continue his father's legacy, albeit playing a different role. The 21-year-old has been slowed down following heart surgery in December 2018. Although he is slowly making a recovery and featuring in games, he is not as explosive as he once was.

Regardless, Shareef remains a top prospect that could dominate the NBA in the coming years.

#1 LeBron James (LeBron "Bronny" James Jr.)

LeBron James #23 of the Los Angeles Lakers

LeBron James needs no introduction as his achievements speak for him. However, the four-time NBA champion is firmly entrenched in the GOAT conversation.

LeBron has always expressed interest in playing with his son in the NBA. If that happens, they will become the first father-son combination to play in the league at the same time.

LeBron "Bronny" James Jr. will be nineteen in 2024, the earliest he can make the NBA. That means King James will need to play for at least two more years before he plays with his son.

James Jr. has shown a glimpse of what he could bring to the NBA. Like his father, he has an impressive court vision and is also recognized for his weak-side blocks.

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